So we hosted our first ever Thanksgiving, it turned out really nicely (at least we think so, maybe my family has another opinion).
Everyone had a good time chatting after eating the delicious turkey Jason and I made, everyone enjoyed it more since Jason missed his usual rounds of taking ugly pictures of people while they are eating.
We have been having a very nice weekend playing with our cute little monster, he has been mostly cheerful this weekend and has really seemed to enjoy having extra time with daddy.
We have also learned something fascinating this weekend, behold the magic candy bowl:
Candy in this lovely glass pumpkin, no matter how good, no matter how easily reached will not be eaten by Jason, the second the candy is put in it the candy no longer exists in his thought process. I have long wondered why candy doesn't get eaten in our house and this magic candy bowl is the reason (I know I am pleased with the knowledge- the next time I have candy I don't want to share).