Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gallery of Cute and Updates

So it has been a long while since our last post so I'll try to do a basic update. Last month we went on our first trip as a family, a weekend trip to the Vegas Scottish festival. We had a really good time, Gregor loved all the lights and people in Vegas. I was amazed at how excited people were to see a baby as well, so many people were talking to him and paying attention to him he was in heaven. Anyway the trip went well for the most part, the only real bummer was having to get all new tires on the trip home.

Gregor also had his 9 month appointment last month he was 18 1/2 lbs and 28 1/2 inches tall- he is getting so big. He currently is getting his 7th tooth, and he really enjoys biting with them. He is trying all sorts of foods, we have lately tried some allergens and that is going well. He absolutely loved his taste of PBJ. He is 10 months along now and is cruising and crawling and has learned to open about everything, we are frantically trying to add to our safety latches.

Anyway here are a chunk of pictures we have taken in the last month:

isn't he just cuter by the second?