Sunday, January 27, 2008

keeping people bored

Well while Jason is out doing laundry I'll add a post. I've been tired, cranky & sick most the time, so nothing strange here. Nicely this week I have had a few days that I felt reasonably okay, I hoping this is a trend that continues. Anyway I really don't have anything interesting to add right now, I just thought I'd try to get back in the rhythm of doing a blog again. Hope everyone is great.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

First Post

Laura had her first official ObGyn appointment on the 24th of January. She got the joy of hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time :)

The doctor has confirmed that the expected due date for the little cretin is August 8th. We will most likely find out what the monster's sex will be mid March-ish. We will post here with all of the pertinent information (and a bunch of less than pertinent information) as it is gained.

In the mean time, Laura is nearly unbearable.....
Just kidding...............maybe....

Heaving, hurling, and whining.....

Sounds like this thing is progressing normally....we will keep you all posted.