So I'm not working and it is pretty boring, I am getting a lot of books read though. On the first I had another ultrasound done, I was measuring a little large and the doctor wanted to have the size of the baby checked. They estimate him as of that day as being about 5 lbs. 10 oz. so if I go full term he should be in the 8 lbs. range (not really a surprise, I was expecting a baby that big). They did manage to take a cute little picture of his profile this time as you can see here:
Take a good look at that cute little profile- they also told me his head is in the 90th percentile so that cute little head is HUGE :) He is of course still breech and loves to press that cute little head against my ribcage any chance he gets (as he is doing right now).
The baby shower is on Saturday and I am very excited to get out of the house, I don't really get to do that much anymore (oh sure there was a bit for the holiday but I get cabin fever so easily this staying home and resting is killing me).
My appointments are going well and the tests are usually okay, my cute little baby likes to have heart decelerations that make me have tons of extra testing that all turn out okay. I keep telling him he isn't supposed to play with his cord but does he listen to me?
I'm feeling monsterously huge as you can see from my latest picture I am:
the most surprising thing right now is I haven't been any more effected by the heat than I normally am, I was expecting differently after all the sympathy I received whenever sharing my due date.
Anyway things are mostly great, it was great to see Janet for the holiday and speak to people who can answer back (most of my talking is concentrated on my stomach these days). I may have to do something I never do and invite people over- oh the humanity :)