Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Fun

So we have had another doctors visit with our sweet boy - he is now 31 inches tall and almost 21 lbs - he is doing well and only hates us a little when we have him vaccinated. He flirted with the nurse this time- until she held him down and stuck needles in his legs, then he didn't like her anymore.
He has been keeping us busy this month- he has started dragging us where he wants us to be and usually that is running around like a maniac or dancing...
We went to Lagoon today we traded off taking Gregor on kid rides, he mostly enjoyed it. He did have an accident while trying to walk with shoes on- face plant right on the asphault- poor thing. We had him try cotton candy- he wouldn't eat it at first and still was a little meh about it when he did have some- I think my boy might be some sort of mutant.

Still we had a good time and the four hour nap he had after was great for everyone.


Lise said...

Love, Love, Love those pictures! I almost think that you should have put the one of him with the stretched out body with his doctor's appointment though (hehehe). It looks like you guys had fun at lagoon. I'll have to get copies of the pictures of you guys on those rides. Ah..precious moments *sniff* (brushing away tear)

Unknown said...

I demand Halloween costume photos!