Thursday, March 27, 2008

My baby has cute feet, mine are missing

So it has finally happened- my feet have disappeared from regular view, so the view in these pictures is going to be very boring from here on out -be prepared. I had a visit with my doctor this week as well, she is pleased with how everything is going and that my blood pressure was in a better range. She of course still wants me to monitor that though. I'm doing really well these days even though I could still nap at any time. The baby has been moving quite a bit the last couple weeks and has been very active the last few days, so his official name currently is wigglemonster, this will probably change in the future. That also means we still haven't picked out a name yet, I hadn't realized how many names Jason and I don't really like until this year of our lives- and there are so many name out there to hate. Oh well we'll get one we like eventually.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


So, can anyone tell if my baby has the cursed long second toe or flat feet???

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's a boy!

So as you already know we had the ultrasound today and after much prodding our little one finally showed us what we are having. I would also like to submit this picture as proof of his Stewartness as the doctor could not get our little one to remove his little hands from either side of his face- keeping us from getting a good picture of him (I had no idea that not wanting your pictures taken was genetic)Anyway he is very beautiful and growing very well according to the doctor, & I've probably never been more excited over a picture in my life so I'm disgustingly cheerful today. Now we will actually try to sit down and decide a name- without wasting too much time making fun of them.
I'm doing well, I've been feeling great and am now even more excited than I was before, now I just need to come up with the energy to get rid of a lot of our junk to start making some room for this little cutie- oh well I'll save that for another day.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I have toes...barely

So as you can see I still can see my feet a little bit, though I'm feeling that by the next picture they will be gone entirely from view (unless I bend over to see them, of course). Good thing I painted my toenails now I'm not sure I'll be able to reach them in a month or two. Anyway not much news to report- still tired, uncomfortable, slightly ill from time to time & slowly growing fatter and fatter. Hope everyone is great & sleeping much more comfortably than I am.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

More news

So first, I've gotten my blood work back regarding whether the baby has any defects or other weirdness (knowing the family on both side we thought it might be wise to check). It looks like we have a healthy little monster here, so its only weirdness is wanting us for its parents.
My other news is my health, I've had high blood pressure when I've gone to my doctors appointments (they haven't considered I hate visiting the doctor and this is my first child so I'm all stressed out during the appointments) so they want me to monitor it at home. Anyway so far so good, I don't have the best blood pressure I've ever had right now but it isn't the high they told me I should be screaming to the doctor for either. So anyway I'm doing well but wanted to warn everyone (or maybe just give people the opportunity) that if they annoy me I may have to stop speaking to them until after the baby is born. Again hope everyone is doing well.