Wednesday, March 5, 2008

More news

So first, I've gotten my blood work back regarding whether the baby has any defects or other weirdness (knowing the family on both side we thought it might be wise to check). It looks like we have a healthy little monster here, so its only weirdness is wanting us for its parents.
My other news is my health, I've had high blood pressure when I've gone to my doctors appointments (they haven't considered I hate visiting the doctor and this is my first child so I'm all stressed out during the appointments) so they want me to monitor it at home. Anyway so far so good, I don't have the best blood pressure I've ever had right now but it isn't the high they told me I should be screaming to the doctor for either. So anyway I'm doing well but wanted to warn everyone (or maybe just give people the opportunity) that if they annoy me I may have to stop speaking to them until after the baby is born. Again hope everyone is doing well.

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