Monday, December 29, 2008

The bummer Christmas present

So over the holiday Gregor has received the present of his very first cold. On Saturday he started coughing- something we at first just chalked up to the weather being dry. As the day went on the cough just got worse and worse & then he started getting a snotty nose.Poor kid is miserable and has twice coughed so much he puked (right on me as a matter of fact- Yes I do think he waited). He hasn't started feeling better yet and actually had a little bit of a fever today.He is, however, using his time wisely by getting more sleep and a lot more snuggling in so he should be okay again soon.


Janet said...

Did you take him to the doctor? They get ear infections really fast with colds at that age, especially if he has a fever. Just being a mom.

Kenny & Jon said...

ot to rain on anyone's parade, but with the new tooth it may not have been a cold. He could just be teething. That's whar makes it such a horrible time. They get stuffy, they throw up, they cry, they get fevers, sometimes they get the chills and they sleep alot. So I'm guessing that the ear infection might not be an issue.