So Gregor pretty much talks all the time these days, he will happily burble for hours to anyone that will respond to his jabber. He really enjoys exploring the upper registers of his voice and if he can do it in your ear all the better.

He has also been rolling like a fiend and trying to get up on hands and knees- he will first raise up on his arms and stretch up tall, then he will put his head down and try to stick his butt in the air, it has been highly entertaining. Even without crawling though he has started moving about, he has been wiggling and kicking until he scoots- mainly backward- so we are desperate to get our stair gate up soon since he no longer stays where we put him.
Gregor has been a cranky little boy lately as his routine has been ruined- I haven't been getting enough hours from home so he and I have been going in to work (my company is great to let me bring him) but it is too noisy there to nap for very long. Poor little guy, I'm working on fixing the problem but until then Jason gets to live with two cranky people.
We are now starting him on cereal a bit as well- he completely hated it and had to suck his thumb for comfort after every bite.

We are all decorated for Christmas, Gregor is completely unimpressed, too many new things to be impressed about a tree in the house I guess but still seemed to enjoy his Christmas outfit.

He does put up with his mommy dressing him up in adorable (i.e. dorky) outfits really well.
Look at all those smiles! He seems to be a very happy baby.
He CAN be a very happy baby...
He also has a screech that is at just the right pitch to rupture eardrums, and peel paint.
It looks like he's teething. Does he have any teeth yet? He just gets cuter all the time. Hurry up with the gate. Now I'm worried.
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